AAllll tthhee aanniimmaallss aarree ggaatthheerreedd iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt.. TThheerree iiss ggooiinngg ttoo bbee aa ddaannccee
ccoonntteesstt ttoo ppiicckk tthhee kkiinngg..
Fox: Everyone gets a chance to dance. The best dancer will become the king.
Rabbit: Who will be the judge
Fox: All of us, of course. We will pick the best dancer.
Bear: That sounds interesting. I hope I get picked. I want to become the king.
Rabbit: Not a chance! You’re a terrible dancer. I saw you dance before. Forget
Bear: Oh, yeah! Well, you’ll be surprised. I have been practicing.
Rabbit: Okay. We’ll see about that later.
Fox: Quiet, ladies and gentlemen! Everybody ready Let’s start then. Mr. Duck,
you go first. Go ahead. Dance!
Duck: Okay. Let’s go!
Mr. Duck dances to the disco. He shakes his bottom from left to right. It looks
so funny. All the animals laugh.
Rabbit: Look at Mr. Duck!
Look at him dance! Oh, my, my
Bear: What is he doing It is so funny. I can’t help laughing. Ah ha ha.
Fox: Thank you, Mr. Duck. You did well. You may sit down now. Next is Mr.
Turtle. Go ahead.
TThhee mmuussiicc iiss ppllaayyeedd aanndd MMrr.. TTuurrttllee ssttaarrttss ttoo ddaannccee.. TThhee mmuussiicc iiss ssllooww jjuusstt lliikkee
MMrr.. TTuurrttllee.. MMrr.. TTuurrttllee jjuusstt mmoovveess bbaacckk aanndd ffoorrtthh..
Rabbit: What is Mr. Turtle doing It’s too boring. He is no good.
Bear: The music is too slow. It’s no fun.
Fox: Thank you, Mr. Turtle. You may go in now. Who’s next Oh yes, Mr. Bear.
It’s your turn.
Bear: Thank you, Mr. Fox. I’ll try my best. Music please! One, two, cha, cha,
cha. Three, four, cha, cha, cha.
AAllll ooff tthhee aanniimmaallss aarree ssuurrpprriisseedd.. MMrr.. BBeeaarr ddaanncceess tthhee CChhaa CChhaa.. IItt sseeeemmss lliikkee
MMrr.. BBeeaarr hhaass bbeeeenn pprraaccttiicciinngg aa lloott..
Fox: Bravo, Mr. Bear! That was great! Next is Miss Rabbit. Give a big hand for
Miss Rabbit.
EEvveerryyoonnee ccllaappss tthheeiirr hhaannddss.. MMiissss RRaabbbbiitt ssttaarrttss ddaanncciinngg ttoo aa cchheeeerryy ttuunnee.. HHeerr
ddaannccee iiss vveerryy ccuuttee..
Fox: Thank you, Miss Rabbit. That was really cute.
Bear: You were very good, Miss Rabbit. You’ll win for sure.
Rabbit: I don’t think so, Mr. Bear. You were better.
Fox: Our final dancer is Mr. Monkey. Okay. Go ahead.
MMrr.. MMoonnkkeeyy ddaanncceess ttoo tteecchhnnoo mmuussiicc.. HHee iiss bbeetttteerr tthhaann MMiissss RRaabbbbiitt aanndd MMrr.. BBeeaarr..
HHee iiss tthhee bbeesstt ddaanncceerr.. EEvveerryyoonnee ppiicckkss MMrr.. MMoonnkkeeyy..
Fox: Gather around everyone. A new king is born! Congratulations to Mr. Monkey!
You are our NEW KING!
Monkey: I knew it!!! I am the KING! You must all obey me from now on!
AAllll tthhee aanniimmaallss aarree sshhoocckkeedd aatt MMrr.. MMoonnkkeeyy’ss wwoorrddss..
Rabbit: What’s wrong with him
Bear: I don’t know. He must be crazy.
TThhee MMoonnkkeeyy KKiinngg ssttaarrttss oorrddeerriinngg tthhee ootthheerr aanniimmaallss aarroouunndd..
Monkey: Hey there, Bear. Get me something to eat. Rabbit, get me a drink.
Turtle, fan me. Hey Fox, wash my feet.
ttaakkee iitt aannyymmoorree..
Fox: Mr. Monkey wasn’t like this before. He used to be nice and humble. He has
changed. We should teach him a lesson.
Bear: How do we do that
Rabbit: I have an idea.
Bear: What is it
TThhee aanniimmaallss hheeaarr MMiissss RRaabbbbiitt’ss ppllaann.. TThheeyy aaggrreeee ttoo ggoo aahheeaadd wwiitthh tthhee ppllaann.. TThhee
nneexxtt mmoorrnniinngg,, MMrr.. FFooxx ggooeess ttoo tthhee MMoonnkkeeyy KKiinngg..
Fox: Monkey King, how are you today
Monkey: Not bad.
Fox: Are you busy right now
Monkey: No, I’m not. Why
Fox: Well, I’ll take you to a nice place.
Monkey: Really Where is that
Fox: It’s a secret. But there’s lots of delicious food there. Just follow me.
AAllll ooff tthhee ootthheerr aanniimmaallss aarree wwaaiittiinngg ffoorr yyoouu..
Monkey: Well then, let’s go.
TThhee MMoonnkkeeyy KKiinngg ffoolllloowwss MMrr.. FFooxx ttoo aa ccaavvee..
Monkey: Where is the food
Fox: It’s inside the cave, sir. You go inside first.
Monkey: Where is the food Where is everyone It’s so dark in here.
AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee MMoonnkkeeyy KKiinngg ggooeess iinnttoo tthhee ccaavvee,, tthhee ootthheerr aanniimmaallss ccoovveerr tthhee ccaavvee
ddoooorr wwiitthh rroocckkss.. TThhee ccaavvee iiss cclloosseedd.. TThhee MMoonnkkeeyy KKiinngg iiss lloocckkeedd iinnssiiddee..
Monkey: Let me out! Let me out! Right now!
Rabbit: No way, Mr. Monkey. You have been a bad king! We don’t like you!
Monkey: But I am the king! Do as I say! Open the cave door.
Fox: Do it yourself. Farewell.
Monkey: No, don’t go! Wait! I’ll be a good king from now on. Please, let me
Bear: it’s too late, Mr. Monkey.
IIff yyoouu aacctt hhaauugghhttyy bbeeccaauussee ooff yyoouurr ppoossiittiioonn,, nnoo oonnee wwiillll lliikkee yyoouu..
[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]