AA ffaarrmmeerr lliivveess aalloonnee wwiitthh hhiiss DDaauugghhtteerr.. SShhee iiss vveerryy bbeeaauuttiiffuull,, aanndd aallssoo vveerryy
tthhoouugghhttffuull.. TThhee ffaarrmmeerr lloovveess hhiiss DDaauugghhtteerr vveerryy mmuucchh.. RRiigghhtt nnooww,, tthheeyy aarree
wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee ffiieelldd ttooggeetthheerr....
Father: Don’t work too hard, my dear. It is very hot today! You might get sick.
Daughter: Don’t worry about me, Father. Why don’t you go back home I can do
this by myself.
Father: No, no. let’s finish it together quickly.
AA LLiioonn ccoommeess ddoowwnn ttoo tthhee vviillllaaggee ffrroomm tthhee ffoorreesstt..
Lion: Look at those two! Yum, yum. They look very delicious. It’s my lunch
time. I shall eat them for lunch. Hee, hee, hee.
TThhee LLiioonn ggooeess ttoo tthhee ffiieelldd..
Lion: RrrRrrI am the king of the forest! You two must be my lunch today. Get
ready to die!
Father: Oh my goodness! A Lion! Where did it come from Run away, my dear!
Daughter: No, Father! I can’t leave you here alone. I will stay with you.
Lion: You are a brave young girl! Come closer to me. Let me look at you.
TThhee LLiioonn ttaakkeess aa cclloossee llooookk aatt tthhee FFaarrmmeerr’ss DDaauugghhtteerr.. SShhee iiss ssoo bbeeaauuttiiffuull.. HHee
ffaallllss iinn lloovvee aatt ffiirrsstt ssiigghhtt..
Lion: You are not only brave, but also very beautiful, my dear. You are the
most beautiful girl in the world! Will you marry me
Father: Marry you! What do you mean She can’t marry you!
Lion: Why not! I am the king of the forest.
Father: Well, uh She is too young to get married.
Lion: That doesn’t matter. She will grow old with me. Give your Daughter to me.
Or else you will both die. What will you do
Father: I must ask my daughter first. Please come back tomorrow. I will answer
you then.
TThhee FFaarrmmeerr aanndd hhiiss DDaauugghhtteerr rreettuurrnn hhoommee..
Father: What shall we do, my dear I can’t let you marry the Lion. But if you
don’t marry him, he will eat us up.
Daughter: Don’t worry too much, Father. There must be a way. I’ll think of
something. Ah ha! I’ve got it!
TThhee DDaauugghhtteerr wwhhiissppeerrss ssoommeetthhiinngg iinnttoo hheerr FFaatthheerr’ss eeaarrss..
Father: What a great idea! You are not only beautiful, but very smart, too.
TThhee nneexxtt ddaayy,, tthhee FFaarrmmeerr mmeeeettss tthhee LLiioonn..
Lion: So what did your daughter say Tell me at once!
Father: She said she will marry you. But
Lion: What is it Tell me! What else did she say
Father: She said she likes you very much. But she said she is afraid of your
claws. What if you harm her by mistake So I was thinking Can you pull out your
claws for her
Lion: Why yes! I can do anything for her! Come back tomorrow.
TThhee LLiioonn ggooeess bbaacckk ttoo hhiiss ccaavvee aanndd ppuullllss oouutt aallll hhiiss ccllaawwss.. HHee iiss ssoo hhaappppyy.. HHee
ccaann’tt wwaaiitt ttoo mmaarrrryy tthhee FFaarrmmeerr’ss DDaauugghhtteerr..
Father: Hello there, Lion. Did you pull out all your claws
Lion: I pulled all of them out. Look for yourself! They are all gone. Now tell
her to come to me.
Father: But wait! There is one more thing. She said she is also afraid of your
teeth. They are too sharp. What if you harm her with them So I was thinking
Can you pull out all your teeth as well
Lion: That is not a problem. I can do anything for her. I will pull out all of
my teeth. Come back tomorrow with your daughter.
Father: I shall tell her. See you tomorrow, Lion.
TThhiiss ttiimmee tthhee LLiioonn ggooeess bbaacckk ttoo hhiiss ccaavvee aanndd ppuullllss oouutt aallll ooff hhiiss tteeeetthh.. HHee
llooookkss iinnttoo tthhee mmiirrrroorraanndd ssmmiilleess.. HHee iiss eexxcciitteedd aabboouutt ttoommoorrrrooww’ss wweeddddiinngg..
Lion: Good morning, Farmer. I pulled out all of my teeth. Look for yourself!
Now I have no sharp claws and no sharp teeth. I did everything as your daughter
asked. I can’t harm her anymore. Where is she now Where is my bride Bring her
to me. I want to marry her right now.
Father: She is not coming here today. And she is not marrying you either!
Lion: What! What do you mean I pulled out my claws and teeth for her. She
Father: Lion, you are so naïve. You have no claws nor teeth. I am not afraid of
you anymore. I won’t give my Daughter to you. Take this! And that!
Lion: Ouch, ouch! Hey, what are you doing That hurts.
Father: Go away before I really hit you. Go, I say! Go!
Lion: What have I done Boo-hoo-hoo.
WWiissddoomm ccaann ssaavvee yyoouu ffrroomm aallll kkiinnddss ooff ttrroouubbllee..
[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]