AAllll ddaayy aa DDeeeerr wwaallkkss aarroouunndd iinn tthhee ggrreeeenn ffiieellddss..
Deer: I walked all day. My legs hurt. I am so tired. I am also thirsty. I must
find some water. Is there a pond nearby? Oh, there it is! See one.
TThhee DDeeeerr ggooeess ttoo tthhee ppoonndd ffoorr aa ddrriinnkk..
Deer: The water looks cool and fresh. HmmI was right. It tastes very good. I
will drink a little more.
WWhheenn tthhee DDeeeerr lleeaannss ddoowwnn ffoorr aa sseeccoonndd ddrriinnkk,, sshhee sseeeess aannootthheerr aanniimmaall..
Deer: Oh, hi! Nice to meet you. When did you get here What’s your name
TThheerree iiss nnoo aannsswweerr ffrroomm tthhee ppoonndd.. TThhee DDeeeerr sseeeess hheerrsseellff iinn tthhee wwaatteerr ffoorr tthhee
ffiirrsstt ttiimmee.. SShhee iiss vveerryy ssuurrpprriisseedd..
Deer: I said, Nice to meet you. Wait a minute! Hey, it moves like me. It even
talks like me. Then perhaps Yes ! It’s me!
The Deer looks closely in the water.
Deer: I am beautiful! Look at my horns! They are so beautiful. They are the
most beautiful horns in the world. I am blessed. Thank you, God.
AA ffeeww mmiinnuutteess llaatttteerr,, tthhee DDeeeerr sseeeess hheerr lleeggss..
Deer: What are those Are those my legs They can’t be. They are so skinny.
They are so ugly. I hate my legs. Boo-hoo-hoo.
Turtle: Hello, Deer. What’s the matter Why are you crying Can I help you
Deer: Well, Turtle, just look at my legs.
Turtle: What’s wrong with them
Deer: They are too skinny. My horns are so beautiful. But my legs are so ugly.
I hate my legs. I want to hide them. What can I do
Turtle: Is that all Your legs aren’t ugly. They are just a little thin. But at
least they are long.
Turtle: Look at my legs. They are so short. I can’t run. I can’t even walk
fast. You should be grateful.
Deer: But I don’t like my legs. How can I get some new ones God is so unfair.
Turtle: Don’t be foolish. There is no way. Be happy with your legs. Someday
they will help you.
Deer: What do you mean
Turtle: You’ll find out one day. Beauty is not everything. So cheer up.
Deer: I don’t understand. But thanks anyway. See you again, Turtle.
The Deer comes out of the pond and rests for a few minutes.
Lion: Look! A Deer! It looks tired. I can catch it easily. Today is my lucky
Deer: I better go now. A Lion might pass by.
Lion: Grrr Come here, Deer. I want to eat you.
Deer: Oh no! A Lion! I better run away.
The Deer quickly runs away. She is very fast.
Deer: Come on legs! RUN FASTER!!!
Lion: Stop there! Oh, it’s no use! That Deer is too fast for me. Where did she
TThhee DDeeeerr rruunnss aawwaayy aahheeaadd aanndd hhiiddeess bbeehhiinndd aa ttrreeee..
Deer: Geez! My legs are skinny. But they are really fast. Where’s the Lion I
can’t see him.
Lion: Where are you You can’t run away from me. Come out, come out, wherever
you are.
TThhee DDeeeerr ddeecciiddeess ttoo hhiiddee iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt.. TThheerree aarree mmaannyy,, mmaannyy bbiigg ttrreeeess..
Deer: I’ll go in the forest and hide from the Lion. Hey, what’s wrong I can’t
move. My horns are caught in a branch. I can’t get loose. The Lion is coming
closer. What shall I do
Lion: There you are, Deer. Too bad. You are trapped! I will eat you now. Bye,
Deer: Oh, no! This can’t be! My skinny legs helped me get away. But my
beautiful horns got me trapped. Now I know what the Turtle meat. But it’s no
use now. Boo-hoo-hoo.
Lion: Gulp!
IIff yyoouu aarree ttoooo ggrreeeeddyy,, yyoouu mmaayy eevveenn lloossee wwhhaatt yyoouu hhaavvee..
[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]