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The Mosquito and the Lion-蚊子与狮子-伊索寓言 繁體

IItt iiss aa hhoott ssuummmmeerr ddaayy.. AA LLiioonn iiss sslleeeeppiinngg uunnddeerr tthhee sshhaaddee.. AA lliittttllee MMoossqquuiittoo

sseeeess tthhee sslleeeeppiinngg LLiioonn..

Mosquito: Look at that big Lion. He’s sleeping. I will wake him up And make him

mad. This is going to be fun. Ha, ha, ha.

TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo bbuuzzzzeess aarroouunndd tthhee LLiioonn’ss hheeaadd..

Mosquito: Wake up, you big lazy Lion! ZzzZzz

Lion: Uh Who is it (sleepy voice, eyes still half closed) Who is making all

that noise

Mosquito: It’s me. I’m a Mosquito.

Lion: A Mosquito Stop bothering me and go away. I’m sleeping.

Mosquito: I don’t want to go away. I like it here. ZzzZzz

Lion: I’m warning you. Go away before I get mad.

Mosquito: I don’t care. I am not afraid of you.

Lion: What?You’re not afraid me, the king of Animals

TThhee LLiioonn ggeettss ccuurriioouuss aanndd sslloowwllyy ooppeennss hhiiss eeyyeess.. TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo iiss ssoo ssmmaallll tthhaatt

tthhee LLiioonn ccaann’tt eeaassiillyy sseeee iitt..

Lion: Where are you I can’t see you. Are you hiding

Mosquito: Of course not. Here I am. I’m on top of your nose.

Lion: My nose Oh, there you are. You are so small.

Mosquito: I may be small, but I am fast. I can also fly. Can you

Lion: I can’t fly. But I’m the strongest of all of the animals.

Mosquito: Catch me then.

TThhee LLiioonn ttrriieess ttoo ccaattcchh tthhee MMoossqquuiittoo,, bbuutt ffaaiillss..

Mosquito: You can’t catch me. So I am stronger than you.

Lion: A litter insect like you Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s nonsense.

Mosquito: Size is not important. You can’t catch me. But I can chase you away.

Lion: You Chase me away That’s impossible.

Mosquito: I can do it. Do you want to make a bet

Lion: Make a bet with you Why not But how will you chase me away?

Mosquito: You’ll find out. If you run away from me, I win.

Lion: This is getting interesting. Okay. I accept your bet. But if I win,you

better fly away from here.

Mosquito: Sure. It’s a deal.

Lion: I’ll give you ten minutes.

Mosquito: Okay. Before I begin, this is your last chance to give up.

Lion: Forget it!

Mosquito: Here I go then! ZzzZzz

TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo fflliieess aarroouunndd tthhee LLiioonn aanndd bbiitteess tthhee LLiioonn’ss nnoossee.. HHee ddooeessnn’tt ffeellll


Lion: Did you start yet

Mosquito: Yes. Didn’t you feel it Didn’t it hurt

Lion: I didn’t feel a thing. I told you. You are no match for me. Just go away

and let me sleep.

Mosquito: No way! You’ll feel something soon.

TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo bbiitteess tthhee LLiioonn’ss nnoossee,, eeaarrss,, aanndd ppaawwss.. BBuutt iitt iiss nnoo uussee.. TThhiiss ttiimmee

tthhee MMoossqquuiittoo ggeettss mmaadd..

Lion: Uh Little Mosquito, it’s no use. Just give up.

Mosquito: Stay right here. I’ll get my friends.

Lion: It still won’t work.

Mosquito: Oh yeah! We’ll see about that.

TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo aasskkss hhiiss ffrriieennddss ffoorr hheellpp..


Lion: What’s that noise Oh my goodness! There are so many of them! They’re

coming at me!

MMoorree tthhaann aa ddoozzeenn MMoossqquuiittooss aattttaacckk tthhee LLiioonn aatt oonnccee..

Lion: Ouch, ouch! That stings. Stop! Stop! That hurts.

Mosquito: Keep attacking. He’ll give up soon.

Lion: Stop it!

Mosquito: Go on!

Lion: I can’t stand it anymore. It stings everywhere. I give up.

TThhee LLiioonn rruunnss ffaarr aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee MMoossqquuiittooss..

Mosquito: Look at him run! Ha, ha, ha.

TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo’ss ffrriieennddss aallll ggoo bbaacckk hhoommee.. TThhee lliittttllee MMoossqquuiittoo ffeeeellss ssoo ggoooodd tthhaatt

hhee kkeeeeppss ffllyyiinngg aarroouunndd.. HHee ddooeessnn’tt sseeee tthhee ssppiiddeerr wweebb jjuusstt aahheeaadd..

Mosquito: What a day! I feel so good. But wait a minute. What’s this I can’t

move. I’m stuck!

Spider: Hello there, little Mosquito. I have been waiting for you. You will be

my lunch today.

Mosquito: I’m stuck in a SPIDER WEB!!! I just chased away a Lion, But I can’t

get away from a Spider. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Spider: Come here. Gulp!


AAllwwaayyss bbee hhuummbbllee..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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The Lion and the Mouse-狮子与老鼠-伊索寓言
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