IItt iiss aa ppeeaacceeffuull aafftteerrnnoooonn iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt.. MMrr.. LLiioonn iiss vveerryy sslleeeeppyy..
Lion: What a peaceful afternoon! I am very sleepy. Uh(yawns) I will take a nap
MMrr.. LLiioonn ffaallllss aasslleeeepp.. TThhrreeee lliittttllee mmiiccee ppllaayy nneeaarr MMrr.. LLiioonn..
Mickey: Come on, let’s play!
Minnie: Okay. What game shall we play
Jerry: How about hide-and-seek
Mickey: Great idea!
Mickey: But who will be IT
Jerry: Let’s do Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Mickey: Fine.
Mickey: Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Minnie: Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Jerry: Ah ha!
Mickey, you are IT!
Mickey: Okay. I will count to ten. You two hide.
Minnie: Don’t count too fast.
Jerry: Let’s hide!
MMiinnnniiee aanndd JJeerrrryy llooookk aarroouunndd ffoorr aa ggoooodd ppllaaccee ttoo hhiiddee.. MMiinnnniiee hhiiddeess uunnddeerr aa
lleeaaff,, bbuutt JJeerrrryy ccaann’tt ffiinndd aa ggoooodd ppllaaccee.. HHee llooookkss aanndd llooookkss..
Jerry: I can’t find a good place.
Mickey: eight, nine, ten. Come out, come out! Wherever you are! Ah ha! I found
you, Minnie.
Come out!
Jerry: Oh, no! I better hide right now. Hey, this looks like a good place. It’s
really soft.
JJeerrrryy cclliimmbbss uupp aanndd hhiiddeess.. BBuutt hhee ddooeessnn’tt kknnooww tthhaatt hhee iiss oonn ttoopp ooff MMrr.. LLiioonn’ss
Mickey: Where are you, Jerry
Minnie: Come out! We can’t find you!
Jerry: Ha, ha, ha! Here I am!
JJeerrrryy sshhoouuttss aanndd wwaakkeess MMrr.. LLiioonn..
Lion: (roaring) Grrr Who is this Who woke me up
Mickey: A LION!!!
Minnie: Jerry, run!!!
Jerry: A Lion
JJeerrrryy llooookkss ddoowwnn aanndd MMrr.. LLiioonn llooookkss uupp.. TThheeiirr eeyyeess mmeeeett..
Jerry: Oops!
Jerry tries to run away, but Mr. Lion stops him.
Lion: Stop there! Who are you
Jerry: I am just a little mouse.
Lion: YOU woke me up
Jerry: It wasn’t on purpose. I was just playing. I didn’t know.
Lion: I am very angry. I am going to eat you!
Jerry: I am very sorry, Mr. Lion. Please, forgive me.
Lion: I don’t care. I am still angry. You woke me. So I will eat you.
Jerry: Please, wait! Please, don’t eat me!
Lion: Why not I am hungry.
Jerry: Because I am very small. And I taste terrible. Please, let me go. Just
this once.
Lion: Perhaps you are right. You are very small.
Jerry: Yes, yes. Let me go and someday I will help you.
Lion: Ha, ha! That is so funny. How can a little mouse help me I am the king
of the forest.
Jerry: I am small. But I am also very smart. I will help you someday. I
Lion: Okay, okay. Just this once. You can go. But don’t wake me up again. Then
I will really eat you.
Jerry: Thank you so much, Mr. Lion. You are so kind. I won’t forget your
Lion: Just leave e alone now. I’m going back to sleep. Uh
MMrr.. LLiioonn lleettss JJeerrrryy ggoo aanndd ffaallllss bbaacckk ttoo sslleeeepp.. AA ffeeww ddaayyss llaatteerr,, JJeerrrryy iiss
ppllaayyiinngg wwiitthh hhiiss ffrriieennddss iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt aaggaaiinn.. HHee hheeaarrss MMrr.. LLiioonn ccrryyiinngg ffaarr
Lion: (crying)Grrr
Jerry: Hey, Mickey.
Did you hear something
Mickey: No. I didn’t hear anything.
Jerry: How about you, Minnie
Minnie: I don’t know.
Lion: (crying)Grrr
Jerry: I think it’s Mr. Lion. I think he is hurt. I must help him.
JJeerrrryy llooookkss aarroouunndd tthhee ffoorreesstt ffoorr MMrr.. LLiioonn,, bbuutt hhee ccaann’tt ffiinndd hhiimm..
Jerry: Where are you, Mr. Lion Cry out louder!
Lion: Help! Anyone help!
Jerry: There you are! I found you. But why are you in a net
Lion: A hunter caught me. He will be back soon. Call a big animal. Quickly!
Jerry: Don’t worry. I will help you.
Lion: How can you You are so small.
Jerry: I will chew up the rope. Just wait.
Lion: Hurry, before the hunter comes back.
JJeerrrryy kkeeeeppss cchheewwiinngg tthhee rrooppee..
Lion: Little mouse, your teeth must hurt.
Jerry: It’s okay. I want to help you. There, the rope is cut.
MMrr.. LLiioonn ggeettss oouutt ooff tthhee nneett..
Lion: Thank you, little mouse. Thank you for your help.
Jerry: That’s okay. I said I would help you someday.
Lion: You were right. You may be small, but you are also very smart.
DDoo nnoott jjuuddggee ssoommeeoonnee bbyy tthheeiirr ssiizzee.. AAnndd,, kkiinnddnneessss iiss nneevveerr wwaasstteedd..
[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]