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The Grasshopper and the Ants-蚱蜢与蚂蚁-伊索寓言 繁體

IItt iiss ssuummmmeerr.. TThhee ssuunn iiss sshhiinniinngg bbrriigghhttllyy.. IItt iiss vveerryy hhoott.. TThhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr iiss

llyyiinngg uunnddeerr tthhee sshhaaddee aanndd ddrriinnkkiinngg aa ccoolldd ggllaassss ooff lleemmoonnaaddee.. TThhee AAnnttss aarree bbuussyy

ddooiinngg ssoommeetthhiinngg....

Grasshopper: Jeez! What a hot day! I am so hot and thirsty. Mmm.This lemonade

is so sweet and cold. I love the summer.

Ants: One, two!

Anta: Let’s work!

Ants: Three, four!

Ants: All day!

Grasshopper: Look at those Ants. What are they doing Why are they working so

hard It is too hot to work today. They must be crazy.

Queen: Come on! Work faster!

TThhee AAnnttss aarree bbuussyy ggaatthheerriinngg ffoooodd.. AAllll ooff tthhee AAnnttss aarree sswweeaattiinngg..

Grasshopper: Oh, my, my! Look at those silly Worker Ants! They are likes

slaves. Look at them sweat! Terrible!

The Queen Ant tells the Worker Ants to work harder.

Queen: We don’t have much time. Hurry up! We have to gather more food!

Ants: Yes, ma’am!

Grasshopper: Gather food No time What does the Queen Ant mean There is lots

of food here. How silly!

TThhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr ddooeessnn’tt uunnddeerrssttaanndd wwhhyy tthhee AAnnttss aarree wwoorrkkiinngg ssoo hhaarrdd.. BBuutt,, hhee

bbeeccoommeess aa lliittttllee ccuurriioouuss.. HHee ccaallllss tthhee QQuueeeenn AAnntt ttoo ttaallkk..

Grasshopper: Hello there, Queen Ant! Can I ask you a question

Queen: What is it I am very busy.

Grasshopper: It is very hot today. Come under the shade and rest for a while.

Queen: I don’t have time to rest. Please ask your question.

Grasshopper: Okay. Why are you gathering food

Queen: It will be winter soon. We must be prepared.

Grasshopper: The winter! You must be kidding! It is July. Winter is far away.

There is lots of food everywhere. Stop working. Come sing and dance with me.

Queen: There is no time to sing and play. Winter will come soon, I say. You

should also gather some food. Or else, you will starve in the winter.

Grasshopper: No, thank you. You keep working. I’ll keeps singing and dancing in

the shade.

Queen: Do as you please. But don’t come to me for food later.

Grasshopper: Don’t worry, I won’t. There is lots of food.

The Queen Ant and the Worker Ants continue to work.

Grasshopper: Poor Ants! They have no fun. I will sing alone.

The Grasshopper sings his favorite song.

Grasshopper: It’s summer. Let’s have some fun. Let’s sing and dance all day

long. La, la-la, la, la. La, la-la, la, la What a great song!

The Grasshopper continues to sing and dance all summer long. He does not gather

any food. Soon autumn comes and weather gets colder each day. The fields turn

yellow and the leaves fall. The

Grasshopper wakes up one autumn morning with a cold.

Grasshopper: Achoo! It is cold this morning. It is much colder than yesterday.

Where are all the leaves Is it already autumn

TThhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr llooookkss aarroouunndd tthhee ffiieelldd.. HHee ssuuddddeennllyy rreeaalliizzeess tthhaatt ssuummmmeerr iiss

oovveerr,, bbuutt hhee ddooeessnn’tt wwoorrrryy ttoooo mmuucchh..

Grasshopper: It is a little cold. But it’s not too bad. And there is still

enough food. I shall sing a little more.

Grasshopper: La, la-la, la-la, la, la. La, la-la, la-la, la, la.

TThhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr ccoonnttiinnuueess ttoo ssiinngg aanndd ddaannccee aallll tthhrroouugghh tthhee aauuttuummnn.. TThhee ffiieellddss

aarree nnooww ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh ssnnooww,, aanndd tthhee wwiinndd iiss vveerryy ccoolldd.. TThheerree iiss nnootthhiinngg ttoo eeaatt..

IItt iiss wwiinntteerr..

Grasshopper: I’m very cold. I hate the cold weather. I hate the winter.

The Grasshopper looks around for food in the cold. He is freezing and starving

to death, but he can’t find any food.

Grasshopper: Where is all the food I am so hungry and cold.

The Grasshopper is about to fall to the ground when suddenly he thinks of the

Queen Ant and

Worker Ants.

Grasshopper: I wonder what the Ants are doing. They must have lots of food.

Perhaps, they might help me.

TThhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr ffiinnddss tthhee QQuueeeenn AAnntt’ss hhoouussee.. HHee hheeaarrss ssiinnggiinngg aanndd ddaanncciinngg

ccoommiinngg oouutt ffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee.. HHee kknnoocckkss aatt tthhee ddoooorr..

Queen: I wonder who it is.

TThhee QQuueeeenn AAnntt ooppeennss tthhee ddoooorr aanndd iiss vveerryy ssuurrpprriisseedd..

Queen: Mr. Grasshopper! What brings you here And why are you so pale

Grasshopper: I haven’t eaten for five days.

Queen: Why not Didn’t you gather any food during the summer

Grasshopper: No, I didn’t. I was too busy singing and dancing.

Queen: Too bad. What do you want

Grasshopper: Can I have something to eat, please

Queen: Remember what I said, Don’t come to me for food later

Grasshopper: Yes, I do. But I am so hungry. Please, give me a little bread.

QQuueeeenn:: WWeellll,, ookkaayy.. JJuusstt wwaaiitt hheerree ffoorr aa mmiinnuuttee..

TThhee QQuueeeenn AAnntt ffeeeellss ssoorrrryy ffoorr tthhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr aanndd ggooeess ttoo tthhee kkiittcchheenn ttoo ggeett

hhiimm ssoommee bbrreeaadd.. BBuutt wwhheenn sshhee ccoommeess bbaacckk,, tthhee GGrraasssshhooppppeerr aanndd hhiiss gguuiittaarr hhaavvee

aallrreeaaddyy ffrroozzeenn lliikkee iiccee..

Queen:Poor Mr. Grasshopper! Why don’t you sing and dance now


DDoonn’tt bbee llaazzyy..

AAllwwaayyss bbee pprreeppaarreedd aanndd ddiilliiggeenntt..

TThheenn yyoouu wwiillll aallwwaayyss bbee hhaappppyy..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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