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The old Lion-老獅子-伊索寓言 简体

TThhee LLiioonn uusseedd ttoo bbee tthhee kkiinngg ooff bbeeaassttss.. BBuutt nnooww hhee iiss oolldd aanndd wweeaakk.. HHee ffeeeellss

ssoorrrryy ffoorr hhiimmsseellff..

Lion: I used to be so young. I used to be so strong. My roar used to be so big.

But now I am old and weak. My roar is small. I can’t run. I can’t hunt. Poor


TThhee LLiioonn iiss vveerryy ssaadd aanndd wwoorrrriieedd..

Lion: I’m hungry. But now how can I get some food I must think of a way fast.

Let me think.

TThhee LLiioonn tthhiinnkkss aanndd tthhiinnkkss.. FFiinnaallllyy,, hhee ccoommeess uupp wwiitthh aann iiddeeaa..

Lion: Hey, wait. I still have my sharp teeth and claws. I can use them. Once an

animal comes into my cave, I can catch it. Yes, that’s it! I’ll say I’m very

sick. Then all of the animals will come to visit me. Once they come into my

cave, I will eat them all. What a clever idea! Why didn’t I think of this

before Ha, ha, ha.

TThhee ootthheerr aanniimmaallss hheeaarr tthhaatt tthhee LLiioonn iiss vveerryy ssiicckk.. TThheeyy aarree aallll vveerryy wwoorrrriieedd..

Deer: Did you hear about the Lion

Goat: No, I didn’t. Is anything wrong

Deer: Well, I heard that he is very sick. He might die soon.

Goat: that’s too bad. He used to be so strong and healthy. Let’s visit him

before he dies.

Deer: Sure.

TThhee DDeeeerr aanndd tthhee GGooaatt vviissiitt tthhee LLiioonn iinn tthhee ccaavvee.. TThheeyy nneevveerr ccoommee oouutt..

Rabbit: Did you hear the news, squirrel

Squirrel: What news

Rabbit: The Lion is very sick. He is dying, I think.

Squirrel: Poor Lion. What can we do

Rabbit: How about visiting him and cheering him up

Squirrel: Do you think that’s a good idea What if he eats us up I’m a little


Rabbit: Me too. But he is very sick. He will be too weak to catch us.

Squirrel: You’re right. Let’s go together.

Rabbit: Great! Meet me in front of the Lion’s cave. At noon, tomorrow, okay

Don’t be late.

Squirrel: I’ll be there. See you then.

TThhee RRaabbbbiitt aanndd tthhee SSqquuiirrrreell mmeeeett aatt nnoooonn tthhee nneexxtt ddaayy.. TThheeyy aarree aa lliittttllee aaffrraaiidd

ttoo ggoo iinnssiiddee tthhee ccaavvee..

Rabbit: Let’s go inside.

Squirrel: Okay. You go in first.

Rabbit: No, you first.

Squirrel: Let’s go in together.

Rabbit: Fine. But let’s not stay too long.

TThhee ttwwoo ggoo iinnssiiddee tthhee ccaavvee..

Lion: Oh, thank you for coming.

Rabbit: How are you, sir

Squirrel: Are you okay

Lion: It’s nothing. I’m just old.

BBuutt tthheenn tthhee LLiioonn ssuuddddeennllyy ssttaannddss uupp aanndd sshhoowwss hhiiss tteeeetthh aanndd ccllaawwss..

Lion: Grr Grr I may be old, but I can still catch you!!!

Rabbit/Squirrel: We were tricked!

Rabbit: Let’s get out!

Lion: It’s too late. You are trapped. Ha! Ha! Ha!

TThhee LLiioonn eeaattss uupp tthhee RRaabbbbiitt aanndd tthhee SSqquuiirrrreell..

Lion: Yum. Yum. That was delicious. I wonder who will be next

TThhee LLiioonn eeaattss uupp aallll ooff tthhee aanniimmaallss lliikkee tthhiiss oonnee bbyy oonnee..

Lion: All of the animals came here except for the Fox. Why isn’t the Fox

coming I’m getting hungry again. Hmm Shh I hear something.

Fox: Mr. Lion, are you in there

Lion: Finally. It’s the Fox. (murmur) Yes, I’m in here, Fox. Come in.

Fox: How are you feeling today

Lion: I’m feeling much better. But why aren’t you coming in Please come in. I

wish to see you.

Fox: I would like to, sir. But it’s too crowded in there.

Lion: What do you mean There is no one in here but myself.

Fox: Really I don’t understand. There are many footprints going into your

cave. But there are none coming out. Where are all of the other animals

Lion: Give me some time. I can explain. That’s becauseUh

Fox: That’s okay. I’ll come back again later. Take care. Bye.

Lion: Wait! Listen to me! Come back!

TThhee FFooxx ggooeess hhoommee wwiitthhoouutt ttuurrnniinngg hhiiss bbaacckk..

Fox: Pooh. You can’t trick me, Lion. I am much smarter than you.


AAllwwaayyss kkeeeepp yyoouurr eeyyeess wwiiddee ooppeenn..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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The Wolf and the House Dog-狼和家犬-伊索寓言
The foolish Donkey-愚蠢的驢-伊索寓言
The fox and the goat-狐狸與山羊-伊索寓言
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