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The foolish Donkey-愚蠢的驴-伊索寓言 繁體

IItt iiss aa bbrriigghhtt ssuunnnnyy mmoorrnniinngg.. AA mmaann iiss llooaaddiinngg aa bbuunnddllee ooff ssaalltt oonnttoo hhiiss

DDoonnkkeeyy.. HHee iiss ggooiinngg ttoo sseellll tthhee ssaalltt aatt tthhee mmaarrkkeett.. TThhee mmaann iiss vveerryy eexxcciitteedd.. HHee

hhooppeess ttoo ggeett aa ggoooodd pprriiccee ffoorr tthhee ssaalltt..

Donkey: Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

Man: Stand still, Donkey!

Donkey: (murmur) How heavy it will be!

Man: Don’t worry. It isn’t very heavy.

Donkey: (murmur)I don’t believe you. It is always heavy.

Man: Let’s go, Donkey!

TThhee ttwwoo aarree oonn tthheeiirr wwaayy.. TThhee mmaann iiss vveerryy hhaappppyy,, bbuutt tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy iiss nnoott.. TThhee

ssaalltt oonn hhiiss bbaacckk iiss vveerryy hheeaavvyy..

Man: Oh, what a beautiful morning! Look at the beautiful flowers. I shall sell

the salt and buy some new shoes.

Donkey: What a terrible morning. The sun is shining and my back is heavy. I am

hot and tired. I want to rest.

Man: Let’s go fast, Donkey. I need some new shoes.

Donkey: I can’t go any faster. My legs are getting weak. Where is the market

Why is it so far away

TThhee ttwwoo kkeeeepp wwaallkkiinngg.. TThheerree iiss aa ssttrreeaamm aahheeaadd.. TThheeyy mmuusstt ccrroossss iitt..

Man: We must cross that stream.

Donkey: Oh no! A stream! I am tired and weak. The stream will be hard to cross.

Man: Don’t be worry, Donkey. It won’t be too hard. I will help you.

TThhee ttwwoo aarree aatt tthhee ssttrreeaamm..

Man: Be careful, Donkey! Just follow me. Walk slowly step by step.

Donkey: The rocks are very slippery. What if I fall I am afraid.

Man: Watch out, Donkey! It is very slippery here.

Donkey: Hee-haw!

The Donkey slips and falls. It can’t get up.

Man: Oh, no! Get up, Donkey! Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts! Now!

Donkey: I can’t. I can’t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak.

Man: Come on! Get up at once!

The man keeps pulling at the donkey, but it is no use. After a while the Donkey

finally gets up and they cross the stream.

Man: Look! All the salt is gone.

What shall I do

Donkey: Hey! My back is light. What happened I fell in the stream and my back

became light. This is great!

HHoowweevveerr,, tthhee nneexxtt ddaayy,, tthhee MMaasstteerr llooaaddss mmoorree ssaalltt oonnttoo tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy aanndd hheeaaddss ffoorr

tthhee mmaarrkkeett aaggaaiinn..

Man: Stand still. Today, I will load more salt.

Donkey: It is heavier than yesterday.

Man: let’s go quickly. I have to sell all of this salt today.

AAggaaiinn,, tthheeyy ccoommee ttoo tthhee ssttrreeaamm..

Donkey: I have an idea. I will fall down here on purpose. Then my back will

become light again.

Man: You better not fall down again, Donkey. Just follow me and be careful. One

step at a time.

This time, the rocks weren’t slippery at all, but the Donkey fell down on


Donkey: Hee-haw.

Man: Be careful, not gain.

Donkey: Hee-haw., hee-haw.

Man:Come on, Donkey! Get up! Get up now!

TThhee mmaann ppuulllleedd aatt tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy,, bbuutt iitt ddiiddnn’tt ggeett uupp ffoorr aa lloonngg ttiimmee.. AAfftteerrwwaarrddss

aallll ooff tthhee ssaalltt wwaassmmeelltteedd..

Man: Oh my goodness! All of my salt is melted again! What shall I do

Donkey: Heh, heh, heh. It worked again. I will keep falling down in the stream.

Man: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me. I will teach you

a lesson.

BBootthh tthhee mmaann aanndd tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy hhaadd aa ggrriinn oonn tthheeiirr ffaacceess..

TThhee nneexxtt ddaayy,, tthhee mmaann llooaaddeedd tthhee DDoonnkkeeyy’ss bbaacckk aaggaaiinn..

Man: Come here, Donkey. We are going to the market again. This is very light.

Donkey: Hey, he is right this time. This is light. But it will become even

lighter later. Heh, heh, heh.

AAfftteerr aa wwhhiillee,, tthhee ttwwoo rreeaacchh tthhee ssttrreeaamm oonnccee aaggaaiinn..

Man: there’s the stream. Don’t fall down again today. If you do, you will be


Donkey: I don’t believe you. I will fall down on purpose again. Then my back

will become even lighter.

Donkey: Hee-haw.

This time, the Master didn’t help the Donkey get up. Instead, after a while,

the Donkey tried to get up by itself.

Donkey: I will get up now. Hey! What is wrong I can’t get up. My back is so


Man: Get up, you foolish Donkey!

Donkey: Why is my back so heavy I don’t understand.

Man: Poor Donkey! Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy.

Donkey: Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have fooled my Master.

Man:Come on, Donkey! Let’s go! The market is still far away. We have a long way

to go.

Donkey: Oh nooooooo!


DDoonn’tt ffaallll ffoorr oonnee’ss oowwnn ttrriicckkss..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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