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The fox and the goat-狐狸與山羊-伊索寓言 简体

AA tthhiirrssttyy FFooxx llooookkss ffoorr wwaatteerr..

Fox: It’s so hot today. And I’m so thirsty. There’s no water anywhere.

TThhee FFooxx kkeeeeppss llooookkiinngg.. FFaarr aawwaayy,, hhee sseeeess ssoommeetthhiinngg..

Fox: Wait! What’s that I think it’s a well! I’m saved! There must be water


TThhee FFooxx rruunnss ttoowwaarrddss tthhee wweellll.. HHee iiss vveerryy hhaappppyy..

Fox: I was right. There’s lots of water here. It looks so cold and delicious.

But how can I get the water The well looks very deep. Oh, what shall I do

TThhee FFooxx tthhiinnkkss aanndd tthhiinnkkss..

Fox: I can’t stand it anymore. I’m too thirsty. I’ll just jump in. Here I go!

TThhee FFooxx jjuummppss iinnttoo tthhee wweellll..

Fox: It’s so cool in here. The water tastes so fresh and cold. I can drink it

all day. But wait a minute. This well is deeper than I thought. My paws can’t

reach the top. Oh my! Now I’m in big trouble. How can I get out There’s no one

nearby. There’s no one to help me. What have I done Boo-hoo.

TThhee FFooxx iiss vveerryy ssccaarreedd.. HHee ccaann’tt tthhiinnkk ooff aa wwaayy ttoo ggeett oouutt ooff tthhee wweellll.. HHee

ccrriieess aallll mmoorrnniinngg.. TThheenn hhee hheeaarrss aa ffaammiilliiaarr vvooiiccee ffrroomm ffaarr aawwaayy.. SSuuddddeennllyy,, hhee

hhaass aa ggoooodd iiddeeaa..

Goat: I’m thirsty in hot. Where is the water I need a drink right now.

TThhee ggooaatt sseeeess tthhee ssaammee wweellll.. HHee wwaallkkss ttoowwaarrddss tthhee wweellll..

Goat: Ah ha! There’s a well! I found some water! I can have a drink there.

Thank goodness!

TThhee ggooaatt ggeettss cclloosseerr ttoo tthhee wweellll.. HHee hheeaarrss aa ffaammiilliiaarr vvooiiccee..

Fox: How are you today, Goat

Goat: What was that Who said that I don’t see anyone around. Where did the

voice come from

TThhee GGooaatt kkeeeeppss llooookkiinngg aarroouunndd,, bbuutt ccaann’tt ffiinndd aannyyoonnee..

Goat: This is strange. I heard a voice, but there’s no one around.

Fox: I’m here, Goat. I’m inside the well.

Goat: Inside the well Whose voice was that

TThhee GGooaatt llooookkss iinnttoo tthhee wweellll..

Goat: Oh my goodness, Fox! What are you doing down there

Fox: I was thirsty. So I came down here for a drink.

Goat: How is the water Is it fresh and cold

Fox: Of course. The water down here is fantastic. It’s the best water I’ve ever

tasted. And I’m enjoying it all by myself.

Goat: Well, um, I’m thirsty, too. Can I come down and join you I just need one


Fox: Well, let me think about it.

TThhee FFooxx pprreetteennddss ttoo bbee tthhiinnkkiinngg aabboouutt ssoommeetthhiinngg..

Goat: Come on, Fox. I’m your friend.Let me come down.

Fox: Well, all right. Just this once. I didn’t want to share the water with

anyone. But since you are my friend, I’ll let you come down.

Goat: Thanks a lot, Fox. You are too generous. I’m coming down now.

TThhee GGooaatt aallssoo jjuummppss iinnttoo tthhee wweellll aanndd mmaakkeess aa bbiigg ssppllaasshh..

Fox: Welcome, Goat.

Try the water. How is it

Goat: Mmmm It is delicious. This is the best water in the world. Thank you for

sharing it with me.

Fox: It’s nothing. I’m just glad you like it. But don’t you think it’s too

crowded in here It was fine when I was alone. Now it’s too small.

Goat: I’m sorry. Should I get out now

Fox: No, it’s okay. I’ve had enough water for today. I’ll be leaving now. You

can drink some more.

Goat: Thank you, Fox. You are too kind.

Fox: Keep drinking. I’ll just jump on your back and climb out now.

The Fox steps on the Goat’s back and swiftly get out of the well.

Fox: Thank goodness. I’m out.

Goat: (echoing voice from the well ) Are you there, Fox I am finished

drinking. I want to get out now. Help me up, please.

Fox: I’m sorry, Goat. I can’t help you. If I do, I might fall in again. The Fox

and the Goat The Fox and the Goat

Goat: Please help me out. I’m not thirsty anymore. And it’s getting dark in


Fox: That’s too bad, Goat. You should have thought of way out before. Next

time, think before you act, okay I’m busy. I must be going.

Goat: Don’t leave me here alone, Fox! I’m afraid. How can I get out by myself

Fox: Trick another foolish animal like yourself. Good luck. Good-bye.


TThhiinnkk ccaarreeffuullllyy bbeeffoorree yyoouu aacctt..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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