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The Frog and the Mouse-青蛙和老鼠-伊索寓言 简体

OOnnee ddaayy aa MMoouussee ggooeess ttoo ppllaayy aatt aa nneeaarrbbyy ppoonndd.. TThheerree hhee mmeeeettss aa FFrroogg.. TThheeyy

ssttaarrtt ppllaayyiinngg ttooggeetthheerr aanndd bbeeccoommee iinnssttaanntt ffrriieennddss..

Frog: We are best friends, aren’t we, Mouse

Mouse: Of course, we are. Why do you ask

Frog: Well then, let’s always be together.

Mouse: How can we do that

Frog: I have an idea. Let’s tie our legs together with a string. Then we can go

everywhere together. How about it Don’t you think it’ll be fun

Mouse: Wow! That’s an interesting idea. But it might be dangerous.

Frog: How come

Mouse: Someone might get hurt.

Frog: You worry too much. No one will get hurt. It’ll be fun. Let’s try it.

Mouse: Okay. If you insist.

TThhee FFrroogg aanndd tthhee MMoouussee ttiiee tthheeiirr lleeggss ttooggeetthheerr.. TThheeyy ggoo eevveerryywwhheerree ttooggeetthheerr aanndd

ddoo eevveerryytthhiinngg ttooggeetthheerr..

Mouse: I’m hungry. Let’s go to the corn field. I want to eat some corn.

Frog: Fine. Let’s go, but don’t run. It’s hard to follow you.

Mouse: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.

TThhee FFrroogg wwaattcchheess wwhhiillee tthhee MMoouussee eeaattss..

Mouse: Hey Frog, what shall we do next

Frog: I don’t know. Let me think. What can we do Hmm Ah ha! I’ve got it!

Mouse: What is it

Frog: Let’s play at my house.

Mouse: Where is your house

Frog: It’s right over there.

Mouse: I can’t go there.

Frog: Why not

Mouse: Because it’s underwater. I can’t breathe underwater. I can’t even swim


Frog: Oh, I didn’t know. Then I’ll teach you. Just hold on to me. You won’t

drown. Besides, your legs are tied to mine.

Mouse: Will it be safe

Frog: Of course, it’ll be safe.

Mouse: Are you sure

Frog: Come on. Just follow me.

Mouse: Don’t jump in!!!

TThhee FFrroogg ddooeessnn’tt lliisstteenn ttoo tthhee MMoouussee.. HHee jjuusstt jjuummppss iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd.. TThhee MMoouussee

ddrriinnkkss aa lloott ooff wwaatteerr..

Mouse: I told you not to jump in!

Frog: I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. Are you okay

Mouse: Yes, but next time be careful.

Frog: All right. Now let’s swim to my house. Just hold on to me.

Mouse: Hey, this is fun. I like swimming.

Frog: I told you.

TThhee FFrroogg aanndd tthhee MMoouussee sswwiimm ffoorr aa wwhhiillee..

Mouse:I’m tire now. I want to go out.

Frog: Come on, Mouse. Let’s swim a little more. I’m not tired. I’m having fun.

Mouse: It’s getting late. I don’t want to swim anymore.

TThhee FFrroogg aanndd tthhee MMoouussee ffiigghhtt.. TThhee ffrroogg ggeettss mmaadd aanndd ddooeess aass hhee pplleeaasseess..

Frog: I don’t want to be your friend anymore. You can go if you want.

Mouse: But how can I My legs are tied to yours.

Frog: That’s too bad!

TThhee FFrroogg jjuusstt jjuummppss iinnttoo tthhee wwaatteerr aaggaaiinn.. TThhiiss ttiimmee hhee ddooeessnn’tt ccoommee oouutt ffoorr aa

lloonngg ttiimmee..

Frog: Hey, Mouse, are you okay There is no answer.

Frog: I guess he’s dead. Too bad. I’ll just keep swimming.

TThhee FFrroogg ddooeessnn’tt ccaarree aabboouutt tthhee ddeeaadd MMoouussee.. HHee jjuusstt ccoonnttiinnuueess ttoo sswwiimm

uunnddeerrwwaatteerr.. TThheenn aa HHaawwkk fflliieess bbyy..

Hawk: Ha, ha, ha. Look down there! There’s a dead Mouse. I must eat it for


TThhee HHaawwkk ccoommeess ddoowwnn ffaasstt.. IItt ssnnaattcchheess tthhee MMoouussee aanndd ggooeess uupp aaggaaiinn..

Frog: Hey, what happened! I’m flying!

TThhee FFrroogg llooookkss uupp aanndd sseeeess tthhee HHaawwkk..

Frog: I’m not a Mouse! Let me go!

Hawk: Oh, I didn’t know you were there. What luck! Now I can eat a Mouse and a

Frog for dinner.

Frog: No! No! Please, let me go!

TThhee FFrroogg ttrriieess ttoo uunnttiiee tthhee ssttrriinngg bbuutt ffaaiillss.. TThhee HHaawwkk eeaattss bbootthh ooff tthheemm..


IIff yyoouu hhaarrmm ootthheerrss,, yyoouu wwiillll aallssoo bbee hhaarrmmeedd..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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