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The Fox and the Crane-狐狸与鹤-伊索寓言 繁體

TThhee FFooxx aanndd tthhee CCrraannee wweerree ggoooodd ffrriieennddss,, bbuutt aa ffeeww ddaayyss aaggoo tthheeyy hhaadd aa bbiigg


Fox: Mrs. Crane used to be my best friend. But she isn’t anymore. How can I

trick her I want to make her ANGRY.

Mr. Fox thinks and thinks.

Fox: Ah ha! I have a great idea! Ha! Ha! Ha! This will be Fun

Mr. Fox telephones Mrs. Crane.

Crane: Hello

Fox: Hello. This is Mr. Fox. How have you been

Crane: Very well, thank you. Why are you calling I’m very busy.

Fox: Come to my house for lunch. I will prepare a delicious dish.

Crane: Really Why

Fox: I want to be your friend again. So, please come.

Crane: Ok. I will. Where is your house The Fox and the Crane

Fox: Walk straight down the road. Turn left at the first cherry tree. You will

see my house. It has a white fence.

Crane: Okay. What time shall I come

Fox: Come at twelve o’clock. Don’t be late.

Crane: Don’t worry. I will be on time.

MMrrss.. CCrraannee ppuuttss ddoowwnn tthhee tteelleepphhoonnee.. SShhee iiss vveerryy eexxcciitteedd..

Crane: I wonder what Mr. Fox is cooking I am going to skip breakfast.

Mrs. Crane skips breakfast so that she can have a big lunch at Mr. Fox’s house.

She finds the house with the white fence.

Crane: Look! There is Mr. Fox’s house. I found it. I can smell something


Mrs. Crane knocks at the door and Mr. Fox opens it.

Fox: Oh, come in, Mrs. Crane.

Crane: Thank you for your invitation.

Fox: Thank you for coming. I prepared a delicious dish for you.

Crane: Yes, I can smell it.

Fox: Please sit down.

MMrrss.. CCrraannee ssiittss ddoowwnn aatt tthhee ttaabbllee,, bbuutt sshhee oonnllyy sseeeess aa wwiiddee ppllaatt ppllaattee.. MMrrss..

CCrraannee hhaass aa lloonngg aanndd nnaarrrrooww bbeeaakk,, ssoo sshhee ccaann’tt eeaatt aannyytthhiinngg oonn aa ppllaattee.. SShhee

bbeeccoommeess aa lliittttllee wwoorrrriieedd.. MMrr.. FFooxx bbrriinnggss iinn tthhee ssoouupp ffrroomm tthhee kkiittcchheenn..

Fox: Here you are. Enjoy your soup. It is very delicious.

Crane: Okay. I will.

MMrrss.. CCrraannee ttrriieess ttoo eeaatt tthhee ssoouupp iinn tthhee ddiisshh,, bbuutt sshhee ccaann oonnllyy eeaatt vveerryy lliittttllee

bbeeccaauussee ooff hheerr sshhaarrpp bbeeaakk..

Fox: Why aren’t you eating Isn’t it delicious

Crane: Yes, it is. But I eat very slowly.

Fox: I didn’t know. Mmmm

MMrr.. FFooxx ffiinniisshheedd hhiiss ssoouupp,, bbuutt MMrrss.. CCrraannee aattee aallmmoosstt nnootthhiinngg.. MMrrss.. CCrraannee iiss

vveerryy hhuunnggrryy rriigghhtt nnooww..

Fox: Why didn’t you finish your soup You don’t like soup

Crane: Yes, I like soup. But I am not very hungry today.

Fox: Too bad. The soup was very good. I’m full

Crane: I must go home now. Bye-bye.

Fox: Come again. Next time, I will cook you something more delicious. Bye.

MMrrss.. CCrraannee rruunnss hhoommee.. SShhee iiss vveerryy hhuunnggrryy.. SShhee ggooeess hhoommee aanndd ddrriinnkkss aa bboottttllee ooff

mmiillkk.. MMrrss.. CCrraannee iiss vveerryy aannggrryy..

Crane: Mr. Fox tricked me. I am very mad. What shall I do Hmm I have a great


TThhee nneexxtt ddaayy,, MMrrss.. CCrraannee tteelleepphhoonneess MMrr.. FFooxx..

Fox: Hello.

Crane: Mr. Fox, this is Mrs. Crane. Thank you for lunch yesterday.

Fox: It was nothing. So why did you call

Crane: This time, I want to invite you for lunch. I am preparing your favorite


Fox: Really I know the way to your house. I will come right away.

MMrr.. FFooxx rruusshheess ttoo MMrrss.. CCrraannee’ss hhoouussee.. HHee ssmmeellllss ffiisshh oouuttssiiddee tthhee hhoouussee..

Fox: I can smell fish, my favorite dish. I’m so hungry.
(Mr. Fox wets his mouth and strokes his stomach.)

MMrrss.. CCrraannee ooppeennss tthhee ddoooorr..

Crane: Mr. Fox, welcome! You came very quickly. Are you hungry

Fox: Yes, I am. Can we eat now

Crane: Of course. I’ll bring in the fish right away.

MMrrss.. CCrraannee bbrriinnggss iinn tthhee ffiisshh ffrroomm tthhee kkiittcchheenn.. BBuutt tthhee ffiisshh iiss nnoott oonn aa ppllaattee..

IItt iiss iinnssiiddee aa lloonngg nnaarrrrooww bboottttllee.. MMrr.. FFooxx llooookkss ssuurrpprriisseedd.. HHiiss eeyyeess aarree aabboouutt

ttoo ppoopp oouutt..

Crane: Let’s eat. Mmmm Delicious, isn’t it, Mr. Fox

Fox: It looks very good.

Crane: But why aren’t you eating

Fox: I will.

MMrr.. FFooxx ttrriieess ttoo eeaatt tthhee ffiisshh,, bbuutt hhee ccaann’tt ggeett iitt oouutt ffrroomm tthhee lloonngg,, nnaarrrrooww

bboottttllee.. MMrr.. FFooxx hhaass aa sshhoorrtt mmoouutthh aanndd ttoonngguuee.. HHee rreeaalliizzeess hhiiss mmiissttaakkee,, aanndd

ccaann’tt ssaayy aannyytthhiinngg..

Crane: This is the most delicious fish in the world. I will have another. How

about you, Mr. Fox

Fox: No, thank you. I think I have a stomachache.

Crane: That’s too bad.

Fox: I must go home now. Bye.

Crane: Good-bye, Mr. Fox! Come again! Ha, ha, ha

MMrr.. FFooxx rruusshheess hhoommee iinn sshhaammee.. MMrrss.. CCrraannee sseeeess MMrr.. FFooxx rruunnnniinngg aawwaayy aanndd kkeeeeppss oonn



IIff yyoouu ttrriicckk ootthheerrss,, ssoommeeddaayy yyoouu wwiillll bbee ttrriicckkeedd,, ttoooo..

[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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