TThhee FFaarrmmeerr iiss aa vveerryy jjoollllyy aanndd kkiinndd mmaann.. HHee iiss aallssoo ddiilliiggeenntt.. HHee wwaakkeess uupp eeaarrllyy
eevveerryy mmoorrnniinngg aanndd ggooeess ttoo wwoorrkk ssmmiilliinngg..
Farmer: Hmm The air is so fresh this morning. And the sun is also so bright.
It’s a beautiful day! Look at those birds and flowers. I fell so happy.
TThhee FFaarrmmeerr aallwwaayyss ssiinnggss wwhhiillee hhee wwoorrkkss iinn hhiiss ffiieelldd..
Farmer: La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la I’m finished for today.
I better go home now.
OOnn hhiiss wwaayy hhoommee,, tthhee FFaarrmmeerr hheeaarrss aa ssttrraannggee ssoouunndd..
Farmer: What is that sound It sounds like a bird’s cry. It must be in danger.
I must go and help.
TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ffoolllloowwss tthhee ccrryy..
Farmer: Where is that cry coming from
Eagle: Over here, sir. Please come quickly. Please, help me. I am trapped.
Farmer: There you are! I found you at last! Poor bird. Are you okay Please
wait. I will get you out.
Eagle: Please hurry! My wings hurt.
TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ttrriieess hhiiss bbeesstt.. HHee ccuuttss tthhee nneett wwiitthh hhiiss kknniiffee..
Farmer: I’m almost done. There are you The net is cut. You are free now. Fly
TThhee EEaaggllee iiss ffrreeeedd ffrroomm tthhee nneett,, bbuutt hhee ddooeessnntt ffllyy aawwaayy.. HHee iiss iinnjjuurreedd..
Eagle: I can’t move. My wings hurt. Boo-hoo-hoo.
Farmer: Don't cry. What’s the matter, Eagle?Are you hurt Oh, your wings! Dont
worry. I’ll take care of you. You will fly again.
Eagle:Really?I can’t believe it. You’re not going to eat me
TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ttaakkeess tthhee EEaaggllee ttoo hhiiss hhoouussee.. HHee ttaakkeess ggoooodd ccaarree ooff tthhee EEaaggllee..
Farmer: You are getting better every day. You’ll be able to fly soon. Eat this,
it’s very delicious.
Eagle: You are a kind man. I will never forget your kindness.
TThhee EEaaggllee iiss aallmmoosstt wweellll.. BBuutt tthhee FFaarrmmeerr’ss nneeiigghhbboorrss hheeaarr aabboouutt tthhee EEaaggllee aanndd
tteellll tthhee FFaarrmmeerr ttoo sseellll iitt..
Neighbor: I hear you have an Eagle.
Farmer: Why yes, how did you know
Neighbor: What are you going to do with it
Farmer: Let it go,of course.
Neighbor: You must be kidding! Eagle meat is good medicine. You should eat it.
Neighbor2: No, no, don't do that. Eagles are worth a lot of money. You should
sell it and get a good price.
Neighbor: That’s right.
Farmer: Thanks for the advice. But I’m going to let it go.
Neighbor: Tsk. Tsk.
Nieghbor2: He must be crazy.
TThhee nneeiigghhbboorrss ccaann’tt uunnddeerrssttaanndd tthhee FFaarrmmeerr.. TThheeyy lleeaavvee tthhee hhoouussee.. AA ffeeww ddaayyss
llaatteerr,, tthhee EEaaggllee’ss wwiinnggss aarree ccuurreedd..
Farmer: Okay, Eagle. Flap your wings. Try to fly a little. Yes , that’s it!
Very good. Now you can fly again.
Eagle: My wings don't hurt anymore. I can really fly again. Thank you, Farmer.
TThhee EEaaggllee fflliieess aawwaayy..
Farmer: Look at it fly! What a beautiful bird!
WWeeeekkss ppaassss aanndd tthhee FFaarrmmeerr ffoorrggeettss aabboouutt tthhee EEaaggllee.. TThhee FFaarrmmeerr iiss ttiirreedd ttooddaayy
aanndd ddeecciiddeess ttoo ttaakkee aa nnaapp.. HHee lliieess ddoowwnn oonn tthhee ggrraassss nneexxtt ttoo aa bbiigg,, hhiigghh wwaallll..
TThhee EEaaggllee sseeeess tthhee FFaarrmmeerr..
Eagle: Get up, Farmer! Quickly!
TThhee EEaaggllee ffllaappss hhiiss wwiinnggss hhaarrdd.. TThhee FFaarrmmeerr hheeaarrss iitt aanndd wwaakkeess uupp..
Farmer: Oh, hello there, Eagle. How have you been Are your wings okay But you
look worried. What’s wrong
Eagle: I must warm him. What can I do I know!
TThheenn ssuuddddeennllyy,, tthhee EEaaggllee ssnnaattcchheess tthhee FFaarrmmeerr’ss hhaatt..
Farmer: Hey, give it back! What are you doing Come back!
Eagle: He’s following me. That’s good. It’s safe over there. I’ll drop the hat
TThhee eeaaggllee ddrrooppss tthhee FFaarrmmeerr’ss hhaatt ffaarr aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee wwaallll.. TThhee FFaarrmmeerr ppiicckkss iitt
Farmer: Naughty, Eagle. Why did you do that
SSuuddddeennllyy tthhee oolldd wwaallll ttuummbblleess ddoowwnn..
Farmer: Oh my goodness! Look at that! I could have been hurt. Now I understand.
Thanks, Eagle. You saved my life. You are the king of all birds.
IIff yyoouu aarree kkiinndd ttoo ssoommeeoonnee,, hhee wwiillll ssoommeeddaayy rreeppaayy yyoouu..
[来源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]