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The Fashionable Crow-時髦的烏鴉-伊索寓言 简体

TTooddaayy,, GGoodd iiss ggooiinngg ttoo ppiicckk tthhee pprreettttiieesstt bbiirrdd aammoonngg aallll tthhee bbiirrddss.. AAllll ooff tthhee

bbiirrddss ggaatthheerreedd aarroouunndd ttoo ttaallkk aabboouutt tthhee ppaarrttyy.. TThheeyy aarree aallll vveerryy eexxcciitteedd..

Sparrow: There will be a big party at the palace tonight. All birds are

invited. God will pick the prettiest bird.

Duck: This will be so exciting.

Sparrow: I wonder who will be picked.

Duck: Who knows It can be any bird.

Peacock: I know it will be me. I will be picked for sure. My tail is the


Swan: Your tail may be pretty, but I am more graceful.

Crane: But wait. My beak is the longest.

Sparrow: Let’s not fight. We have to get ready for the party.

Duck: You’re right. We don’t have much time.

Peacock: Let’s take a bath in the pond.

Swan: That’s a great idea.

TThhee ssppaarrrrooww,, tthhee DDuucckk,, tthhee PPeeaaccoocckk,, tthhee SSwwaann,, aanndd tthhee CCrraannee aarree ggooiinngg ttoo tthhee

ppoonndd.. OOnn tthhee wwaayy,, tthheeyy mmeeeett tthhee CCrrooww..

Crow: Where are you going

Sparrow: We are going to the pond to take a bath.

Duck: There is a big party at the palace tonight.

Peacock: God is going to pick the prettiest bird. I will be picked for sure.

Crow: Really!

Swan: All of the birds are invited. Didn’t you know

Crow: No one told me.

Peacock: God is picking the prettiest bird. You have no chance. So why don’t

you just stay home

Crow: I don’t want to stay home. I want to go to the party..

Crane: Look at yourself.

Peacock: You are too ugly.

Duck: You are too black.

Swan: You are too dirty.

Crow: But I still want to go. I’m going to jump into the pond first. I’m going

to take a bath.

Peacock: No! No! Wait!! You can’t bathe before us.

Crow: Why not I should also bathe for the party.

Crane: You are too dirty. You will make the water dirty.

Swan: Please, bathe after us. I don’t want to get dirty because of you.

Peacock: That’s right. You are too black and dirty. Bathe after us.

Duck: Yes. If you bathe first, the water will get dirty.

Sparrow: That’s right. Bathe after us.

AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ggoo iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd.. TThheeyy ssttaarrtt wwaasshhiinngg tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss.. TThhee CCrrooww

wwaattcchheess tthheemm aanndd ttaallkkss ttoo hhiimmsseellff..

Crow: Why am I so ugly Why am I so black Why am I so dirty

TThhee bbiirrddss ffiinniisshh bbaatthhiinngg aanndd aallll ggoo hhoommee ggoo ggeett rreeaaddyy ffoorr tthhee ppaarrttyy.. TThhee CCrrooww

wwaattcchheess tthheemm lleeaavvee..

Crow: Miss Peacock’s tail is so beautiful. Mrs. Swan is so graceful. Mr. Crane

is so tall. They are all pretty. I wish I weren’t a crow.

TThhee CCrrooww ggooeess iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd ttoo bbaatthhee aafftteerr tthheemm..

Crow: The water is so dirty. But perhaps if I wash long enough, I will become


TThhee CCrrooww bbaatthheess ffoorr ttwwoo hhoouurrss,, bbuutt hhee iiss ssttiillll bbllaacckk..

Crow: I am still black and ugly.

JJuusstt tthheenn hhee sseeeess tthhee ffaalllleenn ffeeaatthheerrss.. TThhee CCrrooww ccoommeess uupp wwiitthh aann iiddeeaa..

Crow: Look at all these fallen feathers. There are yellow, red, green, and blue

feathers everywhere. They are beautiful. Ah ha! I have an idea. I’ll cover

myself with all these feathers. Then, I will be the most beautiful bird.

TThhee CCrrooww ppuuttss oonn tthhee ffaalllleenn ffeeaatthheerrss.. HHee ttuurrnnss iinnttoo aa ccoolloorrffuull bbiirrdd aanndd llooookkss

iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd..

Crow: I am so beautiful. Everyone will be surprised. No one will know it’s me.

I can’t wait to go to the party.

IItt’ss nniigghhtt ttiimmee aanndd aallll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss aarree ggaatthheerreedd aatt tthhee ppaallaaccee.. TThhee CCrrooww hhaass

nnoott aarrrriivveedd yyeett..

Duck: Everyone be quiet. God is coming down.

GGoodd ccoommeess ddoowwnn tthhee ssttaaiirrss..

God: Are all the birds here

Sparrow:Yes. All the pretty birds are here.

JJuusstt tthheenn,, tthhee CCrrooww wwiitthh tthhee ccoolloorrffuull ffeeaatthheerrss aarrrriivveess aatt tthhee ppaarrttyy..

God: What is the name of that bird It is so fashionable.

Sparrow: I don’t know, God. I have never seen such a bird before.

Duck: It is very beautiful.

God: Now, I have picked the prettiest bird.

Peacock: It’s me. Ha, ha, ha.

God: The prettiest bird is The one with the colorful feathers! Congratulations!

Crow: Thank you, God. I am so happy.

God shakes the Crow’s hand and puts a big crown on his head. All of the other

birds are

jealous. They whisper among themselves.

Peacock: Who is that bird Does anyone know

Swan: I have no idea.

Crane: He must be new here.

GGoodd aasskkss tthhee CCrrooww aa ffeeww qquueessttiioonnss..

God: Your feathers are very pretty.

Crow: Oh, thank you.

God: What is your name

Crow: Uh My name is

TThhee CCrrooww hheessiittaatteess ttoo ssaayy hhiiss nnaammee.. tthheenn aa ffeeaatthheerr ffaallllss oouutt..

Peacock: Hey! That is my feather!

Swan: Look! He has my feather, too!

Duck: That’s my feather over there!

Sparrow: He is wearing my feather, too!

Crane: That’s mine.!

AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ggaatthheerr aarroouunndd tthhee CCrrooww aanndd ssttaarrtt ppiicckkiinngg tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss ooffff

tthhee CCrrooww..

All the birds: Give us back our feathers at once! Give them back right now!

Crow: No! no! No! Please STOP! They are mine! Don’t take away my feathers!

AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ppiicckk tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss ooffff tthhee CCrrooww.. TThhee ccoolloorrffuull CCrrooww nnooww ttuurrnnss

iinnttoo aa bbllaacckk CCrrooww..

Sparrow: Look! It’s the Crow!

Peacock: My goodness!

Duck: He tricked everyone!

TThhee CCrrooww iiss ssoo aasshhaammeedd aanndd ssaadd..

Crow: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to trick anyone. I just wanted to be pretty like

all of you.


DDoonn’tt ttrryy ttoo bbee ssoommeeoonnee eellssee.. JJuusstt bbee yyoouurrsseellff..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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