TTooddaayy,, GGoodd iiss ggooiinngg ttoo ppiicckk tthhee pprreettttiieesstt bbiirrdd aammoonngg aallll tthhee bbiirrddss.. AAllll ooff tthhee
bbiirrddss ggaatthheerreedd aarroouunndd ttoo ttaallkk aabboouutt tthhee ppaarrttyy.. TThheeyy aarree aallll vveerryy eexxcciitteedd..
Sparrow: There will be a big party at the palace tonight. All birds are
invited. God will pick the prettiest bird.
Duck: This will be so exciting.
Sparrow: I wonder who will be picked.
Duck: Who knows It can be any bird.
Peacock: I know it will be me. I will be picked for sure. My tail is the
Swan: Your tail may be pretty, but I am more graceful.
Crane: But wait. My beak is the longest.
Sparrow: Let’s not fight. We have to get ready for the party.
Duck: You’re right. We don’t have much time.
Peacock: Let’s take a bath in the pond.
Swan: That’s a great idea.
TThhee ssppaarrrrooww,, tthhee DDuucckk,, tthhee PPeeaaccoocckk,, tthhee SSwwaann,, aanndd tthhee CCrraannee aarree ggooiinngg ttoo tthhee
ppoonndd.. OOnn tthhee wwaayy,, tthheeyy mmeeeett tthhee CCrrooww..
Crow: Where are you going
Sparrow: We are going to the pond to take a bath.
Duck: There is a big party at the palace tonight.
Peacock: God is going to pick the prettiest bird. I will be picked for sure.
Crow: Really!
Swan: All of the birds are invited. Didn’t you know
Crow: No one told me.
Peacock: God is picking the prettiest bird. You have no chance. So why don’t
you just stay home
Crow: I don’t want to stay home. I want to go to the party..
Crane: Look at yourself.
Peacock: You are too ugly.
Duck: You are too black.
Swan: You are too dirty.
Crow: But I still want to go. I’m going to jump into the pond first. I’m going
to take a bath.
Peacock: No! No! Wait!! You can’t bathe before us.
Crow: Why not I should also bathe for the party.
Crane: You are too dirty. You will make the water dirty.
Swan: Please, bathe after us. I don’t want to get dirty because of you.
Peacock: That’s right. You are too black and dirty. Bathe after us.
Duck: Yes. If you bathe first, the water will get dirty.
Sparrow: That’s right. Bathe after us.
AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ggoo iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd.. TThheeyy ssttaarrtt wwaasshhiinngg tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss.. TThhee CCrrooww
wwaattcchheess tthheemm aanndd ttaallkkss ttoo hhiimmsseellff..
Crow: Why am I so ugly Why am I so black Why am I so dirty
TThhee bbiirrddss ffiinniisshh bbaatthhiinngg aanndd aallll ggoo hhoommee ggoo ggeett rreeaaddyy ffoorr tthhee ppaarrttyy.. TThhee CCrrooww
wwaattcchheess tthheemm lleeaavvee..
Crow: Miss Peacock’s tail is so beautiful. Mrs. Swan is so graceful. Mr. Crane
is so tall. They are all pretty. I wish I weren’t a crow.
TThhee CCrrooww ggooeess iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd ttoo bbaatthhee aafftteerr tthheemm..
Crow: The water is so dirty. But perhaps if I wash long enough, I will become
TThhee CCrrooww bbaatthheess ffoorr ttwwoo hhoouurrss,, bbuutt hhee iiss ssttiillll bbllaacckk..
Crow: I am still black and ugly.
JJuusstt tthheenn hhee sseeeess tthhee ffaalllleenn ffeeaatthheerrss.. TThhee CCrrooww ccoommeess uupp wwiitthh aann iiddeeaa..
Crow: Look at all these fallen feathers. There are yellow, red, green, and blue
feathers everywhere. They are beautiful. Ah ha! I have an idea. I’ll cover
myself with all these feathers. Then, I will be the most beautiful bird.
TThhee CCrrooww ppuuttss oonn tthhee ffaalllleenn ffeeaatthheerrss.. HHee ttuurrnnss iinnttoo aa ccoolloorrffuull bbiirrdd aanndd llooookkss
iinnttoo tthhee ppoonndd..
Crow: I am so beautiful. Everyone will be surprised. No one will know it’s me.
I can’t wait to go to the party.
IItt’ss nniigghhtt ttiimmee aanndd aallll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss aarree ggaatthheerreedd aatt tthhee ppaallaaccee.. TThhee CCrrooww hhaass
nnoott aarrrriivveedd yyeett..
Duck: Everyone be quiet. God is coming down.
GGoodd ccoommeess ddoowwnn tthhee ssttaaiirrss..
God: Are all the birds here
Sparrow:Yes. All the pretty birds are here.
JJuusstt tthheenn,, tthhee CCrrooww wwiitthh tthhee ccoolloorrffuull ffeeaatthheerrss aarrrriivveess aatt tthhee ppaarrttyy..
God: What is the name of that bird It is so fashionable.
Sparrow: I don’t know, God. I have never seen such a bird before.
Duck: It is very beautiful.
God: Now, I have picked the prettiest bird.
Peacock: It’s me. Ha, ha, ha.
God: The prettiest bird is The one with the colorful feathers! Congratulations!
Crow: Thank you, God. I am so happy.
God shakes the Crow’s hand and puts a big crown on his head. All of the other
birds are
jealous. They whisper among themselves.
Peacock: Who is that bird Does anyone know
Swan: I have no idea.
Crane: He must be new here.
GGoodd aasskkss tthhee CCrrooww aa ffeeww qquueessttiioonnss..
God: Your feathers are very pretty.
Crow: Oh, thank you.
God: What is your name
Crow: Uh My name is
TThhee CCrrooww hheessiittaatteess ttoo ssaayy hhiiss nnaammee.. tthheenn aa ffeeaatthheerr ffaallllss oouutt..
Peacock: Hey! That is my feather!
Swan: Look! He has my feather, too!
Duck: That’s my feather over there!
Sparrow: He is wearing my feather, too!
Crane: That’s mine.!
AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ggaatthheerr aarroouunndd tthhee CCrrooww aanndd ssttaarrtt ppiicckkiinngg tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss ooffff
tthhee CCrrooww..
All the birds: Give us back our feathers at once! Give them back right now!
Crow: No! no! No! Please STOP! They are mine! Don’t take away my feathers!
AAllll ooff tthhee bbiirrddss ppiicckk tthheeiirr ffeeaatthheerrss ooffff tthhee CCrrooww.. TThhee ccoolloorrffuull CCrrooww nnooww ttuurrnnss
iinnttoo aa bbllaacckk CCrrooww..
Sparrow: Look! It’s the Crow!
Peacock: My goodness!
Duck: He tricked everyone!
TThhee CCrrooww iiss ssoo aasshhaammeedd aanndd ssaadd..
Crow: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to trick anyone. I just wanted to be pretty like
all of you.
DDoonn’tt ttrryy ttoo bbee ssoommeeoonnee eellssee.. JJuusstt bbee yyoouurrsseellff..
[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]