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The Wolf and the House Dog-狼和家犬-伊索寓言 简体

AA ttiirreedd aanndd hhuunnggrryy WWoollff iiss llooookkiinngg ffoorr ffoooodd iinn tthhee ffoorreesstt..

Wolf: I’m so tired and hungry. I looked for food all day. But there is no food.

I can’t even find a Rabbit.

JJuusstt tthheenn aa lliittttllee RRaabbbbiitt hhooppss bbyy..

Wolf: Oh, look!It’s a Rabbit! I will catch it and eat it for lunch.

TThhee RRaabbbbiitt sseeeess tthhee WWoollff,, ttoooo..

Rabbit: It’s a Wolf! I better run away! Hey, but the Wolf looks really tired.

Yeah, he looks old and weak. I bet I’m faster than him. I can easily run away

from him.

Wolf: Stop there, little Rabbit! I’m going to catch you!

Rabbit: Go ahead and try! I bet you can’t catch me! I’m much faster than you.

Wolf: We’ll see about that!

TThhee WWoollff cchhaasseess tthhee RRaabbbbiitt.. BBuutt tthhee RRaabbbbiitt iiss mmuucchh ffaasstteerr.. TThhee WWoollff rruunnss oouutt ooff

bbrreeaatthh aanndd tthhee RRaabbbbiitt hhooppss aawwaayy..

Wolf: Stop there, you little Rabbit! Jeez! I lost it. It got away. I am too old

and weak now. I can’t even catch a little Rabbit. I will starve to death for

sure. What shall I do Boo-hoo-hoo.

AA HHoouussee ddoogg ccoommeess bbyy..

Dog: Hey, Wolf, what’s the matter Are you crying

Wolf: Of course not.

Dog: Then, why are your eyes all red

Wolf: Well, uhThat’s becauseNever mind. Anyway, what is a Dog doing in the


Dog: Oh, yes, I was about to ask you. How can I find the village I got lost

last night.

Wolf: Just walk down this road.

Dog: Oh, thank you very much. I must be going now, good-bye.

TThhee DDoogg wwaallkkss ddoowwnn tthhee rrooaadd.. TThhee WWoollff jjuusstt wwaattcchheess tthhee DDoogg aanndd hhiiss mmoouutthh


Wolf: That Dog looks fat and delicious. He would make a good lunch. But I can’t

even catch a Rabbit. How can I catch a Dog! He looks very strong, too. He might

hurt me. But why is he so fat

TThhee WWoollff jjuusstt ssiigghhss.. TThheenn,, tthhee WWoollff ggeettss ccuurriioouuss aanndd ccaallllss tthhee DDoogg..

Wolf: Wait, Dog!

Dog: What is it

Wolf: Well, I was wondering

Dog: Hurry up! I must get home before dark.

Wolf: Well, I was curious. You seem so healthy and well-fed. Where do you live

Dog: I live in a big house in the village. My master feeds me well.

Wolf: What does he feed you

Dog: Well, let me think. He feeds me everything from meat to candy. I live a

very comfortable life. But you look very sick and weak. Have you eaten

something today

Wolf: I haven’t eaten for three days. I can’t find food anywhere.

Dog: That’s too bad. If you come with me, you will be well-fed, too.

Wolf:Really! But what must I do there

Dog: It’s very simple. Just do what I do.

Wolf: What is that

Dog: First, chase away thieves. Second, bark at beggars. Third, wag your tail

in front of the master.

Wolf: Is that all

Dog: Yes. If you do a good job, you’ll be loved just like me. The master will

hug you and give you delicious treats

Wolf: I can’t believe it! It is too easy. I can do that.

Dog: Good. Then follow me. I will take you to my master.

TThhee WWoollff aanndd tthhee DDoogg wwaallkk ttooggeetthheerr ttoo tthhee vviillllaaggee.. TThhee WWoollff iiss ssoo eexxcciitteedd.. BBuutt

tthheenn tthhee WWoollff sseeeess aa ssttrraannggee mmaarrkk oonn tthhee DDoogg’ss nneecckk..

Wolf: Hey, what is that mark on your neck

Dog: It’s nothing.

Wolf: But the fur is worn there and the skin is red.

Dog: It’s nothing really. It’s just my chain mark.

Wolf: what do you mean You are chained

Dog: Well, yes, but only during the day.

Wolf: You can’t go wherever you want

Dog: It’s not too bad. Instead I don't worry about food.

TThhee WWoollff ttuurrnnss bbaacckk..

Dog: Hey Wolf, where are you going

Wolf: Good-bye, Dog. I would rather be hungry than be chained.


NNootthhiinngg iiss mmoorree vvaalluuaabbllee tthhaann FFRREEEEDDOOMM..

[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]

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