MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn hhaass tthhrreeee ssoonnss,, DDaavviidd,, JJaammeess,, aanndd PPeetteerr.. HHee iiss aa vveerryy ddiilliiggeenntt
mmaann.. HHee wwoorrkkss iinn hhiiss ggrraappee ffiieellddss aallll ddaayy.. BBuutt,, hhiiss tthhrreeee ssoonnss aarree aallll vveerryy
llaazzyy.. MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn iiss aallwwaayyss wwoorrrriieedd aabboouutt tthheemm..
Farmer: David, can you help me in the field today I need your help. I can’t
work alone.
David: But Father, it is too hot outside. I am too tired today. Besides, I am
the eldest. Ask James to help you.
Farmer: You are always tired, David.
DDaavviidd lliieess ddoowwnn oonn hhiiss bbeedd ttoo rreesstt.. MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn ccaallllss hhiiss sseeccoonndd ssoonn,, JJaammeess..
Farmer: James! What are you doing now I need your help in the field today. I
can’t work alone.
James: I’m sorry, Father. I’m busy today. I’ll help you tomorrow. Ask Peter.
Farmer: You are always busy, James.
JJaammeess pprreetteennddss ttoo bbee bbuussyy.. MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn ccaallllss PPeetteerr,, hhiiss yyoouunnggeesstt ssoonn..
Farmer: Hey, Peter! Are you busy now
Peter: Not really, Father.
Farmer: Are you going out somewhere today
Peter: No, Father. Why do you ask
Farmer: Well then, help me in the field. I need your help. I can’t work alone.
PPeetteerr mmaakkeess uupp aann eexxccuussee..
Peter: I would like to help you, Father. But I am not feeling well today. I
have a headache.
Farmer: Not again! The last time, you had a stomachache.
MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn ggooeess oouutt ttoo tthhee ffiieelldd aalloonnee iinn tthhee hhoott ssuunn.. HHee wwoorrkkss aallll ddaayy wwhhiillee
hhiiss tthhrreeee ssoonnss ddoo nnootthhiinngg.. HHiiss nneeiigghhbboorrss sseeee hhiimm..
Wife: Look, dear! It’s Mr. Thompson He is working alone again.
Neighbor: Where are all his three sons
Wife: Didn’t you know, dear They are the laziest boys in the world. They never
Neighbor:Really That’s too bad. Poor Mr. Thompson.
MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn wwoorrkkeedd hhaarrdd aallll hhiiss lliiffee.. FFiinnaallllyy,, hhee ggeettss vveerryy ssiicckk aanndd ccaannnnoott
wwoorrkk aannyymmoorree.. HHee iiss aabboouutt ttoo ddiiee..
Farmer: What will happen to my three sons after I die They will starve to
death for sure. How can I change them
MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn ccaannnnoott ssttoopp wwoorrrryyiinngg aabboouutt hhiiss tthhrreeee ssoonnss eevveenn iinn bbeedd.. HHee tthhiinnkkss
aanndd tthhiinnkkss.. AAnn iiddeeaa ccoommeess ttoo hhiiss mmiinndd.. HHee ccaallllss hhiiss tthhrreeee ssoonnss..
Farmer: My dear sons, David, James, and Peter, I love you all. But I cannot
live for long. So when I die, take care of my grape fields for me. That’s my
last wish.
David: But Father, I am not interested in grapes.
James: I don’t want to work under the sun all day, Father.
Peter: I want to live in the city. I don’t even like grapes, Father.
TThhee tthhrreeee ssoonnss kkeeeepp ccoommppllaaiinniinngg,, uunnttiill MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn tteellllss tthheemm hhiiss sseeccrreett
Farmer: But the three of you must keep the field. I buried some treasure there.
Find it, dig it out, and share it together.
Sons: What did you say
TThhee tthhrreeee ssoonnss ccaannnnoott bbeelliieevvee tthheeiirr eeaarrss..
David: Did you say treasure When did you bury is, Father
James: Are there lots of gold and silver pieces inside
Peter: Those things are not important.
Sons: Then what is it
Peter: Where is it
David: Peter is right. Where is the treasure buried, Father
Farmer: I’m sorry, my sons. It was so long ago. I do not remember. Just keep
digging and you shall find it.
MMrr.. TThhoommppssoonn ddiieess aa ffeeww ddaayyss llaatteerr.. DDaavviidd,, JJaammeess,, aanndd PPeetteerr ssttaarrtt ddiiggggiinngg ffoorr
ttrreeaassuurree tthhee vveerryy nneexxtt ddaayy..
Wife: Look, dear! Aren’t they Mr. Thompson’s boys
Neighbor: I think so, dear. But they have changed. They are working so hard
Wife: I know. I can’t believe my eyes. Mr. Thompson would be really happy. The
three brothers dig and dig, but they cannot find any treasure.
David: Where’s the treasure
James: Perhaps, there isn’t any treasure.
Peter: That can’t be. Father must have buried it very deep. Let’s dig deeper.
David: Peter may be right.
TThhee tthhrreeee ssoonnss kkeeeepp ddiiggggiinngg aanndd wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee ffiieelldd ffoorr mmoonntthhss.. IItt iiss nnooww
David: There is no treasure here.
James: We dug up the whole field for nothing.
Peter: But look, David and James! Our field is filled with ripe grapes.
David: You are right!
James: Let’s sell the grapes.
TThhee tthhrreeee bbrrootthheerrss ttaakkee tthhee ggrraappeess ttoo tthhee mmaarrkkeett.. TThheeiirr ggrraappeess aarree tthhee llaarrggeesstt
aanndd sswweeeetteesstt aammoonngg aallll tthhee ootthheerrss.. TThheeyy bbeeccoommee rriicchh bbyy sseelllliinngg tthhee ggrraappeess..
Peter: Now I know. Treasure is everywhere.
David: Yes. If we work hard, we can always get it.
James: So that’s what Father was trying to tell us.
WWoorrkk hhaarrdd aanndd ggoooodd ffoorrttuunnee wwiillll aallwwaayyss ffoollllooww..
[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]