KKiittttyy tthhee CCaatt iiss eeaattiinngg aallll tthhee mmiiccee.. TThhee mmiiccee aarree aaffrraaiidd ttoo ccoommee oouutt ooff tthheeiirr
Kitty: Meow I got you, little mouse.
Little Joe: Oh, please, Kitty! Let me go. I am too small to eat.
Kitty: I don’t mind. I am very hungry right now.
KKiittttyy tthhee CCaatt eeaattss ppoooorr LLiittttllee JJooee aanndd llooookkss aarroouunndd ffoorr aannootthheerr mmoouussee..
Kitty: That was delicious. But I’m still not full. I need another one. Meow
LLeennnnyy aanndd TThheeooddoorree aarree aallssoo mmiiccee.. TThheeyy sseeee eevveerryytthhiinngg..
Lenny: Did you see that, Theodore
Theodore: I sure did, Lenny. It was terrible.
Lenny: Kitty is getting fatter and fatter every day. She is eating more and
Theodore: Soon she will eat all of us. We need to do something.
Lenny: You’re right. But what can we do
Theodore: Let’s have a meeting first. Tell all the mice to come to my house
Lenny: Don’t worry. I’ll tell everyone to come. We’ll all be there.
JJuusstt tthheenn,, KKiittttyy ssmmeellllss tthhee ttwwoo mmiiccee aanndd sslloowwllyy wwaallkkss ttoowwaarrddss tthheemm..
Theodore: Quickly, Lenny! Hide! Kitty is coming this way!
Kitty: Meow I smell mice. Where are they
TThhiiss ttiimmee tthhee ttwwoo mmiiccee aarree lluucckkyy.. TThheeyy ggeett aawwaayy ffrroomm KKiittttyy.. LLaattee iinn tthhee
eevveenniinngg,, aallll tthhee mmiiccee aarree ggaatthheerreedd aatt TThheeooddoorree’ss hhoouussee ffoorr tthhee mmeeeettiinngg..
Theodore: Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for coming.
Mr. Toby: What’s up, Theo Why did you call us so late
Lenny: Well, Mr. Toby, today Kitty got little Joe.
Mr. Toby: Not again! Are you sure
Lenny: Yes, Theodore and I saw it together. It was really terrible.
Theodore: We must stop this now!!!
Lenny: If we don’t, we’ll all be eaten, too.
Mr. Toby: I agree with you. But what can we do?We are so small and helpless.
Theodore: That’s why we are here. Together, let’s think of a way.
Mr. Toby: Let’s trap Kitty.
Mrs. Toby: But dear, Kitty is much bigger than us. How can we trap her
Mr. Toby: I don’t know, dear.
TThhee mmiiccee kkeeeepp tthhiinnkkiinngg,, bbuutt tthheeyy ddoonn’tt ccoommee uupp wwiitthh aannyy ggoooodd iiddeeaass..
Theodore: Come on everyone, think harder.
Buster: Well, uh, how about just staying away from Kitty
Theodore: What do you mean, Buster
Buster: It’s simple. Just stay inside our mouseholes and don’t come out.
Lenny: Then what do we eat, Buster We have to go out for food. Or else, we’ll
starve to death.
Mrs. Toby: My, my, that’s just as terrible. I don’t want to starve.
Mr. Toby: How about just running away When we see Kitty coming, just run.
Mrs. Toby: Not a bad idea, dear. But what happens when we don’t see Kitty
Mr. Toby: I didn’t think of that.
FFiinnaallllyy,, FFeelliixx,, tthhee bbrriigghhtteesstt mmoouussee aatt tthhee mmeeeettiinngg rraaiisseess hhiiss hhaanndd..
Theodore: What is it, Felix Speak up!
Felix: Well, uh How about hanging a bell around Kitty’s neck When we hear the
bell, we can run away.
Theodore: That’s it!!! Why didn’t I think of that
Lenny: You are a genius! Hurray for Felix!!!
Mrs. Toby: Good job!!
Mr. Toby: Now we are all saved! Let’s celebrate!
Grandpa Willy: Wait a minute!
Theodore: What’s wrong, Grandpa Willy
Grandpa Willy: The idea is wonderful, I agree.
But I have just one question.
Lenny: What’s that, Grandpa Willy
Grandpa Willy: WHO is going to hang the bell around Kitty
TThhee wwhhoollee rroooomm ssuuddddeennllyy bbeeccoommeess ssiilleenntt.. AAfftteerr aa wwhhiillee,, MMrr.. TToobbyy ooppeennss hhiiss
Mr. Toby: Well, uh I would like to, but I am too old. So how about you, Buster
You are young and strong.
Buster: No, thank you. I am not that strong. Lenny would be better. He is slim
and fast.
Lenny: I am not that fast. How about you, Felix You are smart. And it was YOUR
Felix: What! Me! No, thanks. I don’t want to be eaten. We better think of
another plan.
AA ggoooodd ppllaann iiss ooff nnoo uussee iiff iitt iiss nnoott ccaarrrriieedd oouutt..
[來源: _t_i_n_g_c_l_a_s_s]